Flight Time Calculator
Hold time
Distance 5
Duration (one way) -
Fuel Consumption -
Hold Consumption -
Total -
Verbrandings motor
Impuls motor
Hyperruimte motor

Tip: Entering 16 as destination planet will change to expedition mode.


Ship Count Storage Capacity Speed
Klein vrachtschip 0 5.000
Groot vrachtschip 0 7.500
Licht gevechtsschip 0 12.500
Zwaar gevechtsschip 0 10.000
Kruiser 0 15.000
Slagschip 0 10.000
Kolonisatie schip 0 2.500
Recycler 0 2.000
Spionage sonde 0 100.000.000
Bommenwerper 0 4.000
Vernietiger 0 5.000
Ster des doods 0 100
Battlecruiser 0 10.000
Total 0 0 -
by marshen (2005-2014)
No warranty for the calculates values
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Today: 76
Yesterday: 410
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