o-calc.com - calculator tools 4 ogame - news
29 Privacy notice
Hello there,

to fulfill the General Data Protection Regulation we now have a privacy notice. We do store a minimal amount of data. What exactly we do store you can now read on the pricay page.

Sadly we also have to announce that we will no longer have any language but english and german on this website. We do know that many of you appreciate that we always tried to make it as easy as possible for you to use this site. For now you will still be able to see your unit, building and research names in your language.

Thanks to all of you who supported us over the years.

Best marshen.
added by marshen 21:52 - 24.05.18
28 Flight times updated for circular galaxies

The Flight Times tool has been updated to reflect recent changes to galaxies.

added by marshen 02:34 - 05.02.16
27 Recycler speed has been increased with 5.7.9
Hi folks.

Recycler speed (as well as consumption) has been changed in a recent update. If you have impulse drive 17 or hyperspace drive 15 or higher they will be much faster (and more expensive in maintenance).

Therefore we just updated Flight Times to reflect those changes.

As always if you have any feedback please write us an email.

Thank you
added by marshen 22:45 - 07.08.14
26 New update
Hi there.

o-calc.com just added a new tool to help you build up your economy. Try out the new Amortisation tool!

This will help you to decide which building or plasma technology level is the best for you.

If you have any feedback please write us an email.

Sincere regards,
added by marshen 22:01 - 21.11.12
25 4.0
4.0 is about to go live.

The new patch contains various new features including an NPC which sells boosters. You can now find out if those boosters are profitable for you.
You can find the new Import/Export calculator under 'Further Tools' => 'Import/Export'.

The o-calc Team
added by marshen 18:33 - 01.05.12
24 Have you ever asked which mine you should build?
Hi there,

if you've ever asked yourself which mine you should build I have the solution for you.
Calculate which mine would be the best for you with the new Amortisation of Mines calculator which you can find under 'Further Tools' => 'Amortisation of Mines'.

If there are any bugs please contact me. Thank you.
added by marshen 03:00 - 09.10.10
23 You may want...
... to research your astrophysics faster. If you have some dark matter left from your expeditions you're now able to calculate how fast your research is if you activate the technocrat.
Visit the 'cost'-page to see if it's worth!
added by marshen 16:48 - 06.10.10
22 RD anywhere
Hi there,

the game balancing has been canged again. Many people lost points because the cost of the storages has been halved by the game design.
All tools should now use the correct values again.

Regards marshen
added by marshen 16:04 - 24.09.10
21 Redesign
Apparently the first 1.0 servers will go online. Since there were quite a few changes like the "new" astrophysics research some of tools had to be adjusted.

If you find any bugs or additional changes in Ogame 1.0 please send me a message.

The o-calc Team
added by ven 17:04 - 26.07.09
20 o-calc meets Finland
Kuitsi translated our website into Finnish. Use the following link to get to the Finnish version of o-calc: fi.o-calc.com.
added by marshen 19:18 - 13.08.08
19 Expeditions...
... and the new Fusion Reactor were added to OGame. The english tools are already fixed but it will take some time for all of the translations to be updated. If your locale doesn't work correctly please use the english version for now. We will try to resolve these issues as soon as possible.
We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
added by ven 11:59 - 04.12.07
18 New language
We are happy to announce that o-calc is now also available in Swedish.

se.o-calc.com will take you to the Swedish site.

Stay tuned for more stuff to come.
added by ven 18:00 - 21.10.07
17 Officers are coming anyways...
Because we are strictly against the introduction of OGame that allows you to pay for advantages, we will not update our site to these changes which will come with the new officers.

Results of our vote:
786 (84.7%) don't need an update and
142 (15.3%) would like to have changes.
added by marshen 16:38 - 26.02.07
16 Improvment
As it's almost a year now since Universe 50 opened, a lot of universes were started that run on twice the speed. That's why it should also be possible to provide calculations for these universes. Therefore we will change the tools one by one.

Hereby we want to apologize for the long wait.
added by private_meta 18:47 - 16.02.07
15 Battlecruiser
Today the Battlecruiser was introduced to the game. It was added to the tools. If there are any errors with the Battlecruiser, please mail us.
added by private_meta 20:39 - 29.01.07
14 Mistakes Swiped out
We sincerely hope we were triumphant at seeking and wiping out the bugs in the flight times tool.
Subsequently we want to refer to 'IE' not being a browser you should really trust and use and it frequently troubles us webdesigners, despite of all the free browsers that can do it way better than the Internet Explorer.
added by private_meta 20:46 - 08.01.07
13 Problems
Unfortunately we had to take down the Flight-Time page because of some errors. Furthermore there were some problems with the page itself which showed in long loading times. Because of a lot of users we had to rebuild the counter-function.
The page should run without problems again.
Flight Times should be back as soon as possible, after the problems are fixed.
added by private_meta 22:46 - 07.01.07
12 Fix of ship- and defense production time
I made some fixes on cost and graviton research pages. Ship- and defense production time should be correct now. If not mail me, please.
Edit: Cost/grav. has been fixed again.
Edit2: Production time of ships and defense doesn't reach null. Cost/grav. edited.
added by marshen 01:43 - 05.10.06
11 Bugfix
The fuel consumption for the flight time tool was fixed right now.
added by marshen 17:40 - 15.09.06
10 Our domains
For a faster access to our page in your language, we have set up the following domains and subdomains:
o-calc.deDeutsch / German
o-calc.comEnglish (default)
es.o-calc.comEspañol / Spanish
fr.o-calc.comFrançais / French
hr.o-calc.comHrvatski / Croatian
it.o-calc.comItaliano / Italian
nl.o-calc.comNederlands / Dutch
pl.o-calc.comPolski / Polish
pt.o-calc.comPortuguês / Portuguese
tr.o-calc.comTürkçe / Turkish
1337.o-calc.comLeetspeak ;)
added by marshen 17:09 - 02.09.06
9 Server Change
We're proud to present you the new space. Everything should be fine now.

The subdomains like es.o-calc.com will be set on thursday.
added by marshen 17:19 - 29.08.06
8 Polish, Finally...
After almost 3 months of O-CALC we're proud to be able to present you the polish translation. We didn't belief for it to happen anymore, but finally we got it finished. The old page is now gone completly.

So... Welcome and have fun with the new tools.
added by private_meta 11:50 - 27.04.06
7 Domain Failure
Today our Domain is/was not available.
We apologize for that. We will try to change the provider as soon as possible to reduce further problems.
added by private_meta 23:33 - 15.04.06
6 New Tools
Finally some new tools. With some Ideas we received we created the following tools:

  • Moon Destruction: Calculation of the Chance for Death Star and Moon-Destruction

  • Phalanx Range: Calculation of the Sensor Phalanx Range

  • Interplanetary Missile: Calculation of the Interplantary Missile Range

You can find the tools at "Further Tools". Thanks for your ideas.
added by private_meta 20:23 - 09.04.06
5 Do you want to to provide this page in your language,
then help us translate the page.

In particular, we search for a (reliable) Translator for Polish.

If you have time and you want to translate the page, if you speak english or german, if you are in IRC regulary and if you can be reached via EMail, then contact us on IRC (irc.onlinegames.net) in our channel #o-calc.

Edit: Croatian done (http://hr.o-calc.com)
added by private_meta 17:17 - 26.03.06
4 New Tools
As you might have already noticed we have added the research tool since quite some time.
With this tool you can see the used up resources for your researches (always from level 1 to level N).
Today we have finished the fleet tool. You can use it to calculate how many points/resources your fleet is worth.

We have to apologize that this tool is not yet available in every language.

Hint: The Deuterium you spent for your ships is added to your points
added by private_meta 14:38 - 08.03.06
3 New languages available
We have once again invested some time to update the page.
New Languages are:


Some languages do exist a little longer already but they weren't announced yet.
added by private_meta 14:30 - 08.03.06
2 New Languages / Fixed Bugs
Spanish and Turkish are now available.

Furthermore the Fuel Costs in the Flighttime Calculator are finally being calculated. More tools will follow soon hopefully.
added by private_meta 21:22 - 06.02.06
1 o-calc
Finally, The new page is finished! After a long development the new version was completed. It makes translation into other languages easier. Furthermore several bugs were fixed and one new tool was implemented.


  • Six Tools, one of them is a new tool for resource and points calculation of researches.

  • News system

  • New languages

With the next bigger update there will be a new tool for points calculation.

If you have Ideas for new tools, just tell us about them! Here you can find our EMail adresses.
added by private_meta 18:03 - 31.01.06
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